Mittwoch 23.09


Tag 3  –  Bewegte Realitäten


Strolling (Ö-Premiere)

Strolling Still1

Regie: Cecil Emeke, Dokumentarfilm Serie, UK 2014, englisch OF mit deutschen UT, 60 Min.

Strolling is ais a short documentary film series created by Cecile Emeke connecting the scattered stories of the Black diaspora and taking a stroll with people in various cities and countries around the world, having refreshingly raw and honest conversations about feminism, sexuality, gender, race and politics to philosophy, art, history, capitalism, war and poverty… and everything else you can think of. Cecile Emeke is a director, writer and artist from London.


Kátia (Ö-Premiere)


Regie: Karla Holanda, Dokumentarfilm, BR 2012, portugiesische OF mit englischen UT, 74 Min.

Kátia is a documentary about Katía Tapety, who became the first transvestite elected as a politician in Brazil – councilwoman three times and vice-mayor. This film is the result of a 20-day-living period with her in her small town in the Northeast of Brazil. Karla Holanda is a dedicated filmmaker from Rio de Janeiro.